I have an iphone. For better or worse. Once upon a time, I tried switching over to an Android because Apple prices kill me. I lasted about 22 hours. Everything is set up differently and all the buttons are different. The guy at Best Buy told me they offer training classes to teach people how to operate their smart phones. Really? Because I have three hours to spare learning how to use a phone. No thanks. Apple, you win.
Which brings me to my apps. I'm not really up on trends and I generally start using the newest, niftiest apps several months after everyone else. But I thought I'd share the first page of my apps on my phone and you can judge just how uncool I am.
I'm going to be honest- Facebook and Instagram are the only two social media sites I keep up with. And Instagram is a recent addition. I tried SnapChat, Twitter, and YouTube. Not a fan. Am I missing out?
Google Maps. Unfailing direction giver. All-seeing traffic guide. Forever patient and complaint-less re-router. I remember when we had to rely on actual paper maps. I got lost a lot. Like a lot. I once crossed the Mississippi River three times before I found the right turn off.
Then there's Pandora- the app that saves my sanity when the boys are getting antsy in the car. Nothing like the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse station to bring out the smiles. Pitbull is also a good station during morning work outs, especially when Sir Mix A Lot pops up right in the middle of a set.
Actual view of my village. Impressed? I thought so |
I play two games and only two games- Words With Friends and Clash of Clans. I'm really really good at WWF, so if you want a challenge, find me on there- SusanneRivera. This offer excludes my brother; he is my nemesis and if I didn't know better, would swear he cheats.
I started playing Clash the way I always start a new game...because Micah harasses me until I play with him. Then, without fail, he gets bored and stops playing said game within a week, leaving me addicted. I've actually been playing Clash for three years now and it's just like pretty much every sport I've ever played- I have much more enthusiasm than actual talent or skill.
Moving on, the Bible app saves me from trying to walk into church juggling my purse, a diaper bag, an Ezra, and my Bible. I love the daily verse notifications. They're remarkably spot on and give me encouragement each morning.
One of my absolute favorite and most-used apps is Audible. I've mentioned it in my blog before, but I listen to books while I'm out running, on my long commute to/from work, and whenever I need to just block out the world and escape into a good novel.
And finally, at the bottom is the fight-averting app- Fire TV. This is because we have kids and they like to run around with the remote. It gets lost about once a day and sometimes we just don't have the energy to search the toy bin, the couch cushions, the refrigerator, and once the dog's kennel, just to change the channel.
I was going to do the second page of apps also, but I think this is probably all the time the boys are going to give me. I'm sensing an imminent
meltdown. What apps do you have on your phone? Page two of my phone includes Amazon, Birchbox, Bitmoji, Panera Bread, and Xfinity Home. Yes, I put my home security beneath Photos and ESPN. Keeping up with the Gator games
is life in my home.
I blogged about it- read the important lesson I learned from my father about how serious we take our football in the South.
Have a wonderful evening- it's Friday eve!!
With Love,