The last month has been rather stressful. Micah was patient
zero and it went downhill from there. Cayden had a fever and horrible cough for
nearly a week. Then Ezra got the flu, in spite of having had his flu shot!!
Chase was next with bronchitis and the flu. We had planned to host our first
ever extended family Thanksgiving, and nearly had to cancel. It ended up being
a wonderful day, even though some people weren’t able to attend. I thought we
had reached the end of the sick train, but nope. It circled back around with
Cayden and Ezra both running fevers for an additional few days.
Last night was our first night at church in four weeks, and
it was refreshing. It’s so easy to get out of the habit of going to church, especially
with kids and jobs and it being a forty-five minute drive. But I am always so
glad once I get there. The fourth annual Live Nativity is taking place next
weekend, and I volunteered to help in some way. Seagate Baptist Church is such
a blessing to my family, and to the community. Hopefully this will be the
biggest year yet for the nativity- last year several thousand people attended
and heard about Jesus. I want to be a part of that. I get so caught up in my
own life and kids that I ignore that need deep inside me that wants to reach
out and help others. I surrendered a long time ago to whatever God wanted me to
do and, at the time, I thought that was to work in church ministry full time. That
dream ended along with my first marriage. For years I was focused on just
supporting myself and son as a single mom. But now life is more stable
and I want to make the time to make a difference in my world. I’m still not
sure what that difference will be, but there’s got to be a first step, right? This
is a rambling post today, but the bottom line is, we have All been blessed. Find
a way to pass that forward to someone who needs it.