Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Kids Say the Funniest Things...and I Love It

We hit up a free Braves baseball game
Last year the boys and I evacuated for the hurricane. We ended up in Atlanta and had a great time of exploring the aquarium, zoo, parks, and especially the 'ho-in-tel', as Cayden pronounced our hotel. I love the words kids come up with when learning to speak. One of my favorites developed after that Atlanta trip. We go home to visit my family outside Orlando and Cayden has managed to combine both big cities together into one awesome name. Just ask him. He'll tell you his favorite place is Atlando.

My little Chewiebacca- down to the crocs

When Micah was younger he loved going to Chick-Fil-A, aka Chicken Away. How could you say no to that? And the  adorable way he told me his ears hurt. "Mommy, there's bumblebees in my ear." I didn't have the heart to correct him for a long time...then my teacher sister took it upon herself to 'help' him learn to speak the 'right' way. (Notice the quotation marks- I still disagree and it's still a sore subject.) He learned that lunchbiddles were really lunchables, woo-woos  must be called firetrucks, and Chewiebacca actually had the much more boring name of Chewbacca. That was a devastating time for me- I hate that they have to grow up.

Fortunately, Cayden came along and has a whole new world of fun words for me to enjoy. Plus, my sister is four hours away and can't ruin it. He loves playing outside, but when the bugs get bad, he comes running back to escape the spagheettos. And this year for Easter, he got a basket full of goodies from the Oyster Bunny. Where that one came from, I have no clue.
Two of my men

I'm still waiting for Ez to talk enough for me to find some new gems. Right now, he likes ruff-ruffs (dogs), and shrieking 'MAAAAAAA' at the top of his lungs when I'm a full two feet away instead of holding him.

So in conclusion, go visit the scenic Atlando. While you're there, take your ruff-ruff for a walk to Chicken Away, then head to bed wearing your jammy-jams and make sure your mama gives you night-night snuggles.
Best buddies
With Love,

Thursday, April 19, 2018

Why I Haven't Blogged Lately

I haven’t blogged in almost three weeks. I’m struggling. Not with anything huge or life changing, just the ordinary day to day. I’m exhausted almost all the time and I don’t know why. I’m rarely up

for the gym anymore, but fortunately, Dara pushes me to take her for a run in the mornings. I don’t have a long work day compared to most, but the hour drive each way wears on me. 

And I feel like it takes all my patience and energy to get through work, so that by the time I get home, I have little left for my family. I take vitamins, I eat healthy, I exercise. Not sure what my problem is lately. I did finally cave in and make an appointment for blood work with my doctor, so maybe that will yield an answer. It could just be that I’m a working mom and I need to suck it up and stop whining. If so, I’ll stock up on caffeine and do my best. 

I love my kids and husband. So much. I don’t want to be short with them or get frustrated so easily. But have you ever tried taking three kids (11, 3 ½, and 2) to a restaurant alone and had to wait nearly half an hour for your meal? They were trying to be good, but what would you do with a salt shaker, pile of napkins, and butter packets? Ezra had a decided opinion. He used the packets as missiles- a couple landed on their targeted strangers. Cayden cried because his mac n’ cheese was hot and I wouldn’t let him salt it. Poor Micah patiently picked up every dropped fork and spilled sippy cup. 

This is an incredibly scattered post today, but it’s very representative of how I’m feeling. I know other moms who are just super heroes! They work full time, have several kids, juggle sporting events, iron their husband’s clothes, and still manage to have a Pinterest worthy dinner/house. I want to be that woman! I just don’t know how. I will end this on a positive note. I have a wonderful weekend ahead- boating with the boys, time with my friend, and then out with hubby for a concert and dinner. 

Cheers to super women! 

With Love, 